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✅❤️☑️ 34 ROUND ☑️ 8/8 unique skins ☑️ TWITCH DROPS ☑️ FAST DELIVERY ✅❤️☑️

способ доставки:
Face to Face Trade / Auction House / Mail in Game
скорость доставки:
4 часы работы
бесплатное страхование:
7 дни
Напоминание продавцу
📷 Preview of skins: https://saydis.pro/rust/34r/ 🥇 Guaranteed the cheapest product among all competitors, you will not find cheaper. If this is suddenly not the case, notify me in the chat, I will lower the price. ❓ After payment, you will FAST be given: TWITCH account, after linking which you will receive ALL of the following skins in the RUST game + simple instructions (activation takes about a minute). ❗ These skins can only be obtained once per account and are only suitable for STEAM. The account must have a purchased RUST game (NOT family access, purchased). You will only receive skins that you have not received before. To receive skins, you must unlink the old twitch from your game account. Skins from previous twitch drops (1-32 rounds) have EXPIRED, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get them to your account. You can buy a STEAM account with all rounds of twitch drops, you can find one in my profile at the lowest price on the market. 🛒 List of skins to receive: ☑️1★ Charitablerust Doubledoor ☑️2★ Charitablerust Garagedoor ☑️3★ Charitablerust Hideponcho ☑️4★ Charitablerust Jackhammer ☑️5★ Charitablerust Leathergloves ☑️6★ Charitablerust Pants ☑️7★ Charitablerust Rug ☑️8★ Charitablerust Sleepingbag ☝ Please receive skins on your Rust account immediately after purchase. Pick up times may be limited.
уровень продавца
Продам за
Более 1 лет
успешные заказы
Проданный заказ за 6 месяцев
Меньше, чем 1K
запас:Достаточный запас
1 = USD $0.49 
общая сумма
$ 0.49
способ доставки:
Face to Face Trade / Auction House / Mail in Game
скорость доставки:
4 часы работы
бесплатное страхование:
7 дни
Эта версия продукта не может быть активирована на China
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