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Deadliest Warrior: Legends Account - Xbox(Full Access) - Global

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1 = USD $0.09086 
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$ 0.09
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мин. QTY.: 1
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продукт описание

Age Restriction: 15+ Capacity: 0G

Selected Best of E3 by XBLAfans.comDeadliest Warrior: Legends is the highly anticipated sequel to last summer’s top selling game. Take control of history’s greatest warriors and face the likes of Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Hannibal, Hernan Cortes, Shaka Zulu, Sun Tzu, Vlad the Impaler and William Wallace.With enhanced graphics and 9 arenas, new fighting options like grapples, pushes, ring outs, feints, projectile targeting, and new final strikes will expand your tactical options!Also included, a new strategy game called Generals! Players take control of the Battlefield Simulator from the TV show and play 1 of the 9 legendary warrior campaigns and unlock abilities that the actual warriors used to get an edge in battle. The game includes exclusive avatar costumes and helmets. Owners of the original game receive a bonus weapon for every character! New Zombie and Slice modes can be played independently or together, with a hidden character to battle against!

$ 0.09