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SciSpace Premium Top Up - Global - 1 month

  • предложение ID: #10015505
  • Region: Global
  • способ доставки: Put into my account
  • Top Up тип: 1 month
продукт описание
- Unlimited Chats with papers and PDFs- Unlimited Literature Review searches- High-Quality Model Access- Unlimited Paraphraser outputs- Unlimited AI powered notebooks- Unlimited Paper summaries- Add all 50 columns in Literature Review- Unlimited Citation Generations- Unlimited Concept searches- Export to RIS, CSV, BIB, Excel, XML- Customise Chat settings
Цена за единицу 24 USD
скорость доставки: 1 часы работы
запас: Достаточный запас
Отсутствие страхования
480  счет

- +
цена $ 24.00 1 = USD $24 

продукт описание

- Unlimited Chats with papers and PDFs

- Unlimited Literature Review searches

- High-Quality Model Access

- Unlimited Paraphraser outputs

- Unlimited AI powered notebooks

- Unlimited Paper summaries

- Add all 50 columns in Literature Review

- Unlimited Citation Generations

- Unlimited Concept searches

- Export to RIS, CSV, BIB, Excel, XML

- Customise Chat settings