The well-known series Shin Megami Tensei, from creators Atlus, is loved around the world for its spin-off franchise Persona. This JRPG series was established in 1996, and the original Persona 4, during the PlayStation 2 era, is probably the most popular installment of the genre. Now, it is available on most systems. Hence, there is nothing surprising about the fact that such a successful title transforms into other shapes. One of them – Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, which presents a fighting genre experience, where you will control your favorite characters from the original game and take part in breathtaking fights.
Get ready for these cool gameplay features, when buying Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PC) Steam key:
Originally Persona 4 Arena Ultimax was released for arcades in 2013, and after 1 year it reached PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms. Today, PC gamers can also enjoy this game. This is a continuation of the Persona 4 Arena game. The gameplay consists of fighting-style battles with well-known characters of the series and the story, which is presented in a visual novel style. You can expect a lot of colorful characters and dialogues, also you can prepare to master intricate combo mechanics in fights. Persona is a spin-off of a big Shin Megami Tensei series, hence you can expect a lot of occult things, demons, and good music. If you are a fan of the Persona series, then you can’t miss this game.