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108 Product Contain 108 Offers
Items Stalcraft Items Ratings and Reviews
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Stalcraft Items for Sale

There are many important Starcraft items that are commonly used in the game: Minerals: This is the primary resource used to build structures and units. Vespene Gas: This is another resource used to build advanced structures and units. Supply Depots: These structures are used to increase the player's supply limit, which is necessary to build more units. Barracks: This is a basic Terran structure that produces Marines and other ground units. Gateway: This is a basic Protoss structure that produces Zealots and other ground units. Hatchery: This is a basic Zerg structure that produces Zerglings and other ground units. Workers: These are units that gather resources and construct buildings. Command Center: This is a Terran structure that produces workers and is used to train advanced units. Nexus: This is a Protoss structure that produces workers and is used to train advanced units. Hatchery/Lair/Hive: These are Zerg structures that produce workers and are used to train advanced units.

Zergling Speed: This is a Zerg upgrade that increases the speed of Zerglings. Terran Infantry Armor/Weapons: These are Terran upgrades that increase the armor and weapons of infantry units. Protoss Ground Armor/Weapons/Shields: These are Protoss upgrades that increase the armor, weapons, and shields of ground units. Siege Tanks: These are Terran units that can transform into a stationary mode and deal heavy damage to enemy units. High Templar: These are Protoss units that can use powerful psionic abilities to damage and disable enemy units. Ultralisks: These are Zerg units that are heavily armored and deal massive damage to enemy units. There items can influence the process of your game, so to enhance your adventure, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Stalcraft Items at Z2U.com!

Buy Stalcraft Weapons, Armor, Gear & Artifact

Buy Stalcraft Weapons - There are 6 main weapon categories in Stalcaft plus melee weapons and a couple of special ones. Weapon categories concludes Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, LMGs, Sniper Rifles (and DMRs). Stalcraft Special weapons conclude PTRD , Gauss rifle, Flamethrower and Tinderbox. And you can also choose to Buy Stalcraft Ammo from trusted and verified sellers here at Z2U.com.

Buying Stalcraft Armor - Armor is a unit property which reduces incoming damage by a set amount per hit, including Combat Armor, Explorer Armor, Combo Armor and Scientist Armor.

Buy Stalcraft Artifact - Artifacts are arguably the most confusing as well as one of the most important parts of Stalcraft. similarly to gear tiers/rarities there is tier system for artifacts with minimal and maximal quality of an artifact tied to its tier:

Common (0-100%)

Uncommon (100.01-110%)

Special (110.01-120%)

Rare (120.01-130%)

Exclusive (130.01-140%)

Legendary (140.01-150%)

Unique (170-180) – Want to get unique Artifacts? Just visit Z2U.