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Accounts Strava Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

What is Strava?

First and foremost, Strava is an app you use to track and record your bike rides with GPS. Beyond that, you can analyze your activities using metrics such as distance and elevation and, if you have the right accessories, you can include power data, heart rate and cadence to name a few.

There's also a strong community element to Strava by means of following friends and professional riders to see what they're up to and rewarding their time on the bike with “kudos”. In many ways, it's a social media platform for athletes.

One of Strava's most notorious features is the segments. A Strava Segment is a section of a road or trail created by other Strava members so that everyone who rides that particular stretch can compare their times. If you become the fastest person on that segment, you become the King or Queen of the Mountain (KOM/QOM).

What Can You Do with Strava Premium?

With the paid subscription you can see your segment results on a leaderboard, compare your performance against previous rides and efforts you've done, set training goals and create routes.

You can really unlock your potential with Strava's data analysis included in the Premium subscription. This includes breakdowns of your performance during races and workouts including your power data, relative effort and fatigue.

Goals are important if you want to improve as an athlete and Strava has helpfully included a training plan feature to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Buy and Sell Strava Accounts at Z2U

If you're in search of a dependable platform for trading accounts, Z2U is an excellent option. Here, you'll discover affordable Strava accounts offered by numerous reputable sellers, all with secure payment methods and instant delivery. Additionally, if you're looking to sell your Strava accounts, you can do so on our platform with confidence. We prioritize the safety of both buyers and sellers, ensuring a secure trade process.