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6 Product Contain 6 Offers
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key
from 2.2 USD
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key | TF2 Key
from 2.2 USD
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key
from 2.99 USD
Mann Co. Supply Crate Key | TF2 Key
from 2.19 USD
Items Team Fortress 2 Items Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Team Fortress 2 Items for Sale

Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. It was released as part of the video game bundle The Orange Box in October 2007 for Microsoft Windows and the Xbox 360. A PlayStation 3 version followed in December 2007. The game was released for Windows in April 2008 and was updated to support Mac OS X in June 2010 and Linux in February 2013. In Team Fortress 2, two teams compete for a combat-based objective. In the game's fiction, the teams are composed of mercenaries hired by two feuding brothers to protect the company assets belonging to one brother while trying to destroy those of the other; the teams are thus represented by the names of these companies: Reliable Excavation & Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU). Players can choose to play as one of nine character classes in these teams, each with his own unique strengths, weaknesses, and weapons. In order to accomplish objectives efficiently, a balance of these classes is required due to how these strengths and weaknesses interact with each other in a team-based environment. Although the abilities of a number of classes have changed from earlier Team Fortress incarnations, the basic elements of each class have remained, that being one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, and one melee weapon. The game was released with six official maps, although over 100 maps have since been included in subsequent updates, including competitive remakes of older maps and community-assembled maps. When players join a level for the first time, an introductory video shows how to complete its objectives. During matches, the "Administrator", a woman voiced by Ellen McLain, announces various game events over loudspeakers.The player limit is 16 on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. On the PC, in 2008 Valve updated the game to include a server variable that allows up to 32 players.

One of the core features of Team Fortress 2 is gathering all the interesting items. This can easily become boring and tedious if you are searching for something special and it never turns up. If you're a student or have a full-time job you may not have the time to endlessly snoop around for special items. Fortunately, here at z2u.com, you can find a wide variety of TF2 items for sale at low prices.

Best Place to Buy TF2 Items, Skins, Hats, Keys, Weapons

Where to buy Team Fortress 2 items, skins, hats, keys, weapons, scrap, unusuals, taunts, misc items and tools? Z2U.com is one of secured trading site/shop/store that offers cheapest TF2 Items for Sale, lowest price, instant and fast delivery, 24/7 live support! Buy TF2 Items PayPal, Steam Wallet, PaySafecard, Credit Card, Bitcoin now, and enjoy the biggest deals! Our buyers here get guaranteed delivery of the item or their money back, so rest assured that your money is safe with us. We also provide protection services to all of our users here.

Sell TF2 Items

Do you want to sell Team Fortress 2 Items for money/cash? If you have these items and you are looking to sell TF2 Items you can post your offer on our platform without paying anything. We know that many players work their heart out, and try the best to farm their TF2 items. This is why we let you decide the price. You just need to provide the detailed description and image for the items, and wait for the buyers.

Where is the Best Place to Buy TF2 Items, Skins, Keys, Hats, Weapons, Scrap and more
2021-06-10 08:40

Team Fortress 2 gameplay is full of powerful weapons, which can enhance your adventure! Getting all the TF2 items is as hard as climbing the sky, so many players want to find out where the best place to buy TF2 Items is.

How to get Weapons in TF2 for free, best and fast way to unlock Team Fortress 2 Items
2021-04-13 08:40

How do you get weapons in TF2? How do you get items fast in TF2 how do you unlock items in Team Fortress 2? This short artilce will show you the answer concerning these two questions!