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    It would be nice if its delivered in less than 1 day Tree of Savior Silver
    seller: ProfessionalSeller

Tree of Savior Silver

Tree of Savior (also known as TOS) is a free massively multiplayer online role playing game developed by IMC Games. The game was developed by Kim Hakkyu. Tree of Savior utilizes a Class system which determines what abilities a character has access to. There are five base classes available at the start of the game. Players can advance to three more classes as they progress through the game, giving them a total of one base class and three advancement classes. Additionally, class skills can further be strengthened by improving its attributes. There are hidden classes in Tree of Savior with each one requiring certain requirements to unlock. As of November 2018, there are currently five hidden classes available in the game, inlcuding Nak Muay, Rune Caster, Miko (Female), Appraiser and Shinobi.

Just what is Tos gold and what can you buy with it you might ask? Well for starters, Tree of Savior Silver is considered the official currency of the game. You can use it to buy just about anything in the Tree of Savior, be it items, weapons, and more. While you can buy almost anything in the game with silver, there are some limited and exclusive items that you can only buy with Tree of Savior Points, or TP for short.

Tree of Savior TP

TP are Tree of Savior Points that you can use in each server. They are points you can use to change your team or character name, as well as purchase exclusive items that you can’t acquire any other way. TP can be obtained by accumulating free TP over time as event rewards, by purchasing TP via Z2U.com, or through the TP Merchant. There’s one TP Merchant in each city and you can purchase Tokens and other consumable items from them. Besides the TP Merchant, you can also use Exchange Medals to buy items from the Exchange Shop. You can earn Exchange Medals by swapping items you’ve obtained through Goddess’ Blessed Cube. You can purchase Goddess’ Blessed Cube from the TP Shop. Upon using the cube, you can barter the items inside it for Medals. Like TP, there are certain items that are exclusive only to the Exchange, Shop like costumes.

Buy TOS Silver

The places where users buy Tree of Savior Silver will generally be the site with the most users, for a number of reasons. One of which is that more sellers means more competition, which in turn, means cheapest prices as sellers compete to make sales. And it's important to find a reputable and trusted player-to-player trading platform since there are lots of scam sites out there that will not only steal your money, but also your personal data. We Z2U.com is the most secured trading platform for you! We always audit sellers' reputation and delivery speed, ensuring your buying safety! We take full responsibility for the entire selling and buying Tree of Savior Money & Currency process in the Z2U marketplace. And if our seller cannot fulfill your order, our professional 24/7 live support will urge them to make full refund for you as soon as possible! Foget all the Tree of Savior Silver Farming guide, TOS Silver for Sale with lowest price at Z2U.com now, no hack, no cheats, 100% safe!

Selling Tree of Savior Silver

Z2U.com allows every users to place their Tree of Savior Silver on our marketplace, and here, you can set your own price. To sell your products, Z2U.com allows you to free register as a seller and post for-sale offers. You can place your Tree of Savior Silver offers by pressing the “Sell” button at the top bar menu of our website. Our sellers are guaranteed 100% protection against payment fraud and chargebacks. In addition, our dispute resolution process will help you resolve any issues that you have with buyers.

Tree of Savior Silver Farming 2021: Fast Way to Make and Farm TOS Silver
2021-05-14 08:39

How do you get silver in Tree of savior? How do you make money on tree of savior? TOS Silver can be used to buy just about anything in the Tree of Savior, including items, weapons, and more. To help you get silver in quick ways, we write this article!