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Tree of Savior (also known as TOS) is a free massively multiplayer online role playing game developed by IMC Games. The game was developed by Kim Hakkyu. Tree of Savior utilizes a Class system which determines what abilities a character has access to. There are five base classes available at the start of the game. Players can advance to three more classes as they progress through the game, giving them a total of one base class and three advancement classes. Additionally, class skills can further be strengthened by improving its attributes. There are hidden classes in Tree of Savior with each one requiring certain requirements to unlock. As of November 2018, there are currently five hidden classes available in the game, inlcuding Nak Muay, Rune Caster, Miko (Female), Appraiser and Shinobi.

The 'Team Battle League' or TBL is a PvP content of the game where players can compete with other players from the same regional servers. TBL have four separate sessions each day which each session lasting an hour. Anyone is free to spectate but only characters that are over Rank 5 will be able to participate in the TBL. Participating players are automatically moved to the 'Team Battle League' zone once all the combatants are ready; prompting them to compete on a best of three system. All participating players receive Battle Points after competing in TBL; a points they can use to purchase items in the Point Shop.

The Gemstone Feud is another PvP game mode where two opposing camps battle each other for Gemstones. The entrance to the Feud is located at the Northern part of the Miner's Village. The Feud has no entry count limit. Saviors can participate every day at 10 AM, 2 PM, 6 PM and 10 PM in their corresponding server region’s time zone. The game mode is currently open to level 350 characters and above. After entering a session, saviors are automatically placed in one of the two opposing camps: the Pledge of the Blade or the Golden Note. Gemstones can be exchanged for valuable items.

Entrenched deep in rich Lithuanian culture mythology, Tree of Savior provides a unique gaming experience that pays rightful homage to games that came before it. In fact, it has been aptly named the “Spiritual Successor of Ragnarok Online”. Get rare and essential Tree of Savior items / Cheap ToS Items right here at Z2U.com.

Tree of Savior Silver Farming 2021: Fast Way to Make and Farm TOS Silver
2021-05-14 08:39

How do you get silver in Tree of savior? How do you make money on tree of savior? TOS Silver can be used to buy just about anything in the Tree of Savior, including items, weapons, and more. To help you get silver in quick ways, we write this article!