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Wakfu is a tactical turn-based MMORPG, developed by Ankama Games. Development began in 2006, and the game was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux on February 29, 2012. The game takes place 1,000 years after Ankama's previous game, Dofus.[3] A spin-off game, Islands of Wakfu, was released on Xbox Live Arcade on March 30, 2011. An animated television series based on the game began airing in France from October 30, 2008. The series has also spawned various comics, a trading card game and a board game.

Wakfu features a turn-based combat system similar to Dofus, it also contains elements inspired by tactical RPG. Players walk around with the screen scrolling while they move, as opposed to Dofus where the camera is static and characters move to a new area by walking to the edge of the current screen. There are 18 classes, each one featuring 25 abilities (and 3 abilities which can be obtained by doing a quest). Each class has three types of elemental spells (out of four possible elements) with 5 spells per type, one category of 5 special actions specific to the class, and one category of 5 abilities that passively improve the character's other capabilities, since a short period, new elements were released but only for specific classes, such as Stasis or the Light element. Contrary to typical RPGs which present characters with new, more powerful abilities throughout the course of the game, Wakfu grants characters all their spells by the early stages and thereafter allows players to strengthen them.[citation needed] Wakfu features the same classes as Dofus, although many have different appearances or roles.

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Wakfu How to Make Kamas: Fast and Easy Ways to Earn Wakfu Money
2021-05-25 08:43

Kamas is the in-game currency of the Wakfu world, which will help you easily to enjoy the game So, we list some useful ways to help you earn monry fast and quick in Wakfu.