Tanbleddyn of the Western Peaks Dragon Egg
Fulguras, the Lightning Blade Dragon Egg
6 Magnificent Mounts
·Powered Wheelchair, Light Gunship, Bouncing Beehive, Verlis Wolf, 4-T Assembled Souser, Dessert Dromintoceros
14 Adorable Allies
·Silverfang Pup, Husky Pup, Snowsquall Strigid, Viridescent Hummingbird, Tuxedo Cat, Moon Dreamer, Bloxx the Playful, Fluttermouse Familiar, Planing Possum, Zephyrian Zardille, Wee Wheekie, Cherry Chibi Chompbox, Starsheen Seahorse
4 Crazy Costumes
·Platinum Paladin, Stone Shaper, The Blocktor, Skysunder Sniper
8 Hip Hat Styles
·Freewheeling Foxhelm, Dipper Kipper, Gunmetal Glory, Shadow Horse Hood, Dated Dome, Bellweather Beanie, Confirmed Conspiracy, Auxilliary Cognitive Processor
5 Fearsome Face Styles
·Blossoming Bosslady, Bubbly Bliss, Tomboy Toughie, Symbolic Sanctuary, Meowsy Mug
5 Wicked Weapon Styles
·Unseen Assailant, Robo-Raider Gunsabre, 8-Bit Bow, Skull-Strung Headhunter, Caustic Caster