The content and authorization of this product are the seller's responsibility. Z2U, as a third-party trading platform, has no affiliation with any service provider. We do not endorse the product trading without the permission of the copyright owner, and strongly recommend that buyers confirm the legality of the service.
LinkedIn and its related trademarks are the property of LinkedIn Corporation. Z2U holds no rights to these trademarks.
✳️Please DM first before placing this Order.
✳️3 Months Sales Navigator can only be activated on profiles that have NOT used trial or Premium before. If they have used trial/Premium already then 5/13 Months plans can be activated ( Contact for details)
✳️ ID and password is needed. User can change the password soon after activation.
✳️ Activation is done Live. Means the user must be online at the time of activation as they need to send us OTP to let us login.
✳️ Activation is via exclusive coupons NOT through admin panel.
✳️Full Official Warranty by LinkedIn
✳️ Starting and ending dates mentioned on your profile after activation
✳️Purchase receipt sent by LinkedIn over user's email.
📢Activation Process:
1. Customers make us login into their account temporarily
2. We apply an exclusive coupon and our own credit card to pay LinkedIn for the selected plan
3. Plan is activated within just 5-15 mins.