Zombie Attack, a ROBLOX Zombie Waves game, is made by "wenlocktoad vs indra." This is a group which is owned by Robotgamer. This game was created at 12/12/2017 and it's still being updated to add more to the game. Zombie Attack is known to be very similar to another game called Zombie Rush, which also is a Roblox game. Zombie Attack is a game about killing zombies. It mainly focuses on a team of survivors fighting endless waves of zombies with either guns or knives. As the team of survivors progresses throughout the waves, it will become more difficult as each wave is successfully cleared.
Cash is something that you can buy with it pets, weapons, zombies. You can get cash from the Money Bag Pet, killing zombies or duplicates of auras that is exchanged with cash. This can also received by completing missions. Or, to speed up the process of the gameplay & enhance your adventure, you're recommended to buy cheap Roblox Zombie Attack Cash. Z2U.com is the leading marketplace for trading Roblox Zombie Attack Currency. Buyers are guaranteed delivery, and sellers are fully protected against payment fraud. Our traders are real gamers, and we do not support the use of scamming bots. Roblox Zombie Attack Money for Sale now, and get the best deals today!