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I‘m having issues with payment request. What can I do?

Withdrawal transaction has been cancelled

1. Technical issue with payment gateway

Solution: Please withdraw again and we will process the payment on the coming payment schedule.

2. Account validity issue

Solution: Please verify the account information and withdraw again once the correct information has been updated.

3. Issue with Sold Orders

Solution: Please contact for more details.

4. Insufficient available balance in your account

Solution: Please adjust withdrawal amount and try again, or withdraw in another currency.

5. Withdrawal request rejected (PayPal) 

Due to multiple reasons, the payment couldn't be sent to you successfully. Our merchant service will contact you while those situations happen. Please solve the issues with the following solutions.

Situation A- we are unable to send the payment to the recipient

Solution: Your account has refused to accept payment. Please contact PayPal to check on your account to fix the issue. You may withdraw again after resolving the issue with PayPal and updating the latest account information.

Situation B - the recipient is unable to accept the payment

Solution: PayPal informed us that payment is denied as you may have set your account not to accept payment from us. Please check your account setting with PayPal. You may withdraw again after resolving the issue with PayPal and updating the latest account information.

Situation C- Recipient accepts PayPal payments only through their website (PayPal Regular)

Solution: Your PayPal account is set to only allow to accept payment via website checkout. You may withdraw again once you have fixed the setting in your account or change to another available account.

Situation D- Payment couldn't be completed due to regulations

Solution: The registered country of your PayPal account is out of PayPal's regulation, you are unable to receive payment or use the full functions of PayPal. You may withdraw through other available methods.

Withdrawal transaction has been delayed

1. National public holiday

Solution: Your withdrawal will be processed during normal working days.

2. System maintenance (Skrill Moneybookers, Bitcoin, Payoneer)

Solution: Our finance team will check with the payment company and process your payment as soon as the maintenance is over.

3. System technical problem (Skrill Moneybookers, Bitcoin)

4. Unclaimed payment (PayPal)

Solution: We have processed the withdrawal request, but PayPal is showing as unclaimed. Please log in to your PayPal account to confirm currency arrangements and accept the payment.

For more questions about PayPal, please contact PayPal official customer service through the following link: