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Accounts IMVU Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

IMVU is a virtual world simulator game and social chat. More than a life simulation, it's a virtual life unto itself, where you can enter a 3D world with your avatar and choose your life as you want it to be. Game is equipped with a 3D avatar-based social experience with the largest 3D world and catalog to customize your look and meet new people. Chat with friends, roleplay and join a virtual world with millions of others for free. Avatar chat gives you full conversations that are more than instant messages. While chatting, you can pose, add filters, and post photos to get people talking. Chat with friends using your personal animated WithMoji. Online social game for you and your friends to enjoy. Choose your life and customize yourself, personalize your own animated emoji and message friends! Your dream life, love life and virtual life await in IMVU! 3D avatar creator lets you design yourself from top to bottom. Role play and chat with friends to create an amazing story. Your virtual world and virtual life await in the IMVU free app! Join today and make your avatar! For 3D avatar chat rooms on older devices, please follow the steps below. Please keep in mind that your experience may not be optimal. is the leading marketplace for trading IMVU Accounts. Buyers are guaranteed delivery, and sellers are fully protected against payment fraud. Our traders are real gamers, and we do not support the use of scamming bots. Buy Cheap IMVU Accounts now, and get the best deals today!